Is your website not ranking in Google search? then may be you don’t know about websites that rank at the top of search engine results have a higher online reputation than other websites that do not rank high?
All the websites I have seen on top in Google search results have a very good brand reputation and have been ranking for many years.
Is this also possible? Has your online reputation increased so much after ranking in Google? But it is not so because just by ranking in Google, the online reputation of your website increases when you have something different qualities which others do not have.
What is Online Reputation?
Online reputation is the component of online business that uses the customer’s trust such as positive reviews, endorsement, and loyalty.
Why Online Reputation Is Important?
The following are the top 2 reasons why online reputation is important:
#1 Influence Sales and Profits
#2 Influence Customer Loyalty
5 factors that affect our Brand Reputation :-
The following are the top 5 factors that affect our online brand reputation :
#1 Content
I have also considered content as a factor influencing brand reputation because good content create your identity on the internet, the websites that provide good content to their users will be more popular and people will keep logging in more often.
#2 User Experience
User Experience means the user’s experience with your website and it represents the entire part of your website along with the content.
#3 Reviews
Reviews directly affect your reputation because reviews hold so much power to affect your brand reputation.
#4 Awards
You must have seen a lot of websites, mention about awards because awards are a way to increase brand reputation.
#5 Links
Backlinks can also mean votes in a way. If you get backlinks from popular websites then these votes increase the value of your brand.
how to improve your online reputation?
Here are some ways to improve your online reputation:
#1. Monitor your online reputation
To monitor your online reputation, you can:
→ Setup Google Alert: Use a tool like Google Alerts because it can be used to track reviews, comments of your brand and this allows you to respond quickly to negative comments or reviews.
→ Set Up a Forum: By having a forum on your own website, you will get complete track of your product/service, it will be easy.
→ Use AI Chatbots: AI Chatbots can also be used to collect customer reviews.
#2. Respond to reviews
Use negative reviews as an opportunity to work with the customer to improve your services.
#3. Collaborate with influencers
Partner with influencers in your industry who have a strong social media presence to wide your audience and online reputation.
#4. Create high-quality content
Create content that is relatable, educational, and resonates with your brand.
#5. Improve Support System
If you focus on improving your support system more than sales, it will have a positive impact on customers, which will improve your online reputation.